Help & FAQ

Which payment methods do you accept?

PAYPAL, The safer, easier way to pay.

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Maestro, or American Express Debit/Credit Card.

When you choose PayPal to pay, you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password. You may still check out even without a PayPal account. To do so, please click on “Pay with Debit/Credit Card” and you’ll be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information or complete your payment safely via PayPal.If you don’t want to create a new PayPal account, you can click “Cancel and return to Marybox”, go back to the shopping website, and choose another payment method.

Shipping & Delivery

What countries or regions do you ship to?
Marybox ships worldwide to nearly every country across the globe, covering South America, Europe.

Where do you ship from?
China, UK, or Europe warehouses.

How Can I Calculate the Total Delivery Time?
If ship from China’s warehouses, it may take 10-20 delivery days in standard shipment.
If ship from UK or Europe warehouses, it may take 3-7 delivery days to UK or Europe.

Holidays Reminder
During week-long Chinese holidays, Chinese National Day and Chinese New Year, services from certain suppliers and carriers may be affected, meaning that deliveries for order placed around these holidays may be delayed 2-4 working days.

Return Policy

We aim to offer services that will benefit all our customers. We hope you are happy with every purchase you make. In certain circumstances, you may want to return some items. Please read our return policy below, we will do our best to assist you.

Returnable items
Items that can be returned/refunded or exchanged within the warranty* follow the criteria as below:

  1. Faulty items damaged/broken, or soiled upon arrival.
  2. Items received in the incorrect size/color.

14 Days Return
Within 14 days of you receiving the product, if you wish to return it for some reasons and the product is still in brand new condition, you may return it for a refund of the item price. You will be responsible for paying the return shipping fees. Please submit a “Return or Exchange” ticket within 14 days of the order being received.

Non-Returnable Items
We cannot accept returns under the following conditions:

  1. Items outside the warranty time-frame.
  2. Washed, worn, used, tag-removed, or misused items.

Return address: You will need to send your returning products to our warehouse. Please always submit a” Return or Exchange “Ticket to customer service first to obtain the return address. Please DON’T return your package to any address indicated on the shipping label of the package received, we cannot be held responsible if packages are returned to the wrong address.